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Career Tests & Career Assessments

Our approach is complimented with the use of career tests and career assessments. The career assessments we use are the most respected/advanced and have been developed through rigorous processes. Below is some information and samples for a few of our career tests.

Saville Wave: The Wave is one of the most sophisticated and integrated suite of personality assessments available. The career assessment measures a wide variety of elements, which provide insights into a person’s motives, talents, preferred culture and competency potential. [view sample]

Identity Questionnaire: Identity is a career test which provides insights into areas of influencing, leadership, team-working, decision making, change orientation, organisation, dealing with pressure, motivation and learning orientation. It is a comprehensive career assessment that directly assesses 36 business-related personality traits and is very useful for career planning and development. [view sample]

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI): The TKI helps to understand preferred conflict management style and how that affects interpersonal and group dynamics/behaviour. [view sample]

Contact us now for any enquiries or to setup a complimentary session to learn more about our career tests & career assessments.

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