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Career Tests & Career Assessments

We use career tests and career assessments to compliment our approach. The career assessments we use are the most respected/advanced and have been developed through rigorous processes.

These career assessments provide a quick, well structured, detailed & research based approach to learn more about yourself & your ideal career options. They are equally applicable to students looking to pick academic/career options and experienced professionals who want a better career.

The service includes online administration of the career test, followed by an interpretation, insight generation & career planning session with an experienced career advisor.

Strong Interest Inventory (SGD 170): The career assessment provides detailed information on an individual’s interests, along with matching educational & career options. The Strong Interest Inventory is one of the world’s most widely respected and frequently used career planning tools. It helps high school and college students—as well as people in transition—make fulfilling career choices. [view samples - working professionals, students]

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (SGD 170): The MBTI is a personality test that helps individuals obtain an in-depth insight into their personality and the type of jobs/work environment, they are suited for. [view sample]

Identity Questionnaire (SGD 220): Identity is a personality assessment and provides insights into areas of influencing, leadership, team-working, decision making, change orientation, organisation, dealing with pressure, motivation and learning orientation. It is a very comprehensive assessment, covering personality & interests and is useful for career choice & planning. [view sample]

Career Voyage: The result of many years of research by the University of Edinburgh, Career Voyage is a comprehensive web-based career guidance tool. It identifies occupational interests, provides job suggestions, allows individuals to browse detailed occupational information and generate a career action plan.

Contact us now for any enquiries or setup a complimentary session, to learn more about our career tests, career assessments, personality tests and interest tests.

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