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Career Options & Personal Profiling

The approach we use is a tried-and-tested method for arriving at suitable career options and detailed personal profiling. It has been developed using a mix of academic research, industry best practices & our experience working with clients.

Identification of your unique characteristics and preferences forms the foundation of our approach and it involves the following personal profiling elements:

- Personality: What characterises you as a person?

- Skills: What are your transferable skills

- Values: What matters the most to you?

- Occupational interests: What do you like doing at work?

- Working conditions: What are your ideal working conditions

- Goals/constraints: What should your future look like?

Your personal profile is then used to identify and evaluate possible career options, using a mix of secondary research (e.g. internet, occupational databases, library) and primary research (e.g. speaking with people who have first-hand experience with the shortlisted career options).

Where needed, we select and use high quality tools/methods to complement our approach for identifying ideal career options. Some of these are mentioned below:

The Intelligent Career Card Sort: The ICCS is a distinctive career exploration exercise. Using a multi-dimensional card sort exercise, it guides individuals through an in-depth investigation of three “ways of knowing” concerned with why, how and through whom we work. Exploring these ways of knowing and the interdependence among them, leads to more satisfying and productive careers. It is designed to provide a platform for both incremental career steps and more ground-breaking career transitions. The ICCS has been developed by an international team of specialists in both career theory and career consulting. [ learn more]

Knowdell Career Tools: These tools (card sorts, workbooks, assessments) provide effortless and engaging ways to identify and prioritise areas that are important for an individual’s career satisfaction, career success and career options identification. The tools have been developed by Career Research and Testing Inc, led by Richard Knowdell, a career expert with over 30 years of experience. [learn more]

Authenthic Vocation Model: Authentic Vocation is an approach that is different from other skills-based approaches to identifying your calling or ideal career options. Instead, it starts with your life purpose and adds additional variables for your ideal work on that critical base. The Career Coach Institute (USA) created the model. [learn more]

Contact us now for any enquiries or to setup a complimentary session, to see if we can help you decide on the best career options for you.

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