How part time jobs are changing in Asia

Page Personnel asked firms and employees in Asia, to provide their experience and thoughts on developments in the temporary/part-time employment market.

The main findings are:

  1. Part time employees have a higher level or specialization and education.
  2. The number of years of experience is increasingly valued by employers.
  3. Temporary employees are being hired in all areas of business and are performing more varied roles.
  4. Part time work is more autonomous, with employers expecting self-reliance and lesser need for close supervision.
  5. Employers are investing more time and money, towards training part time employees.

Take a look at this infographic and video for more highlights.

Written By:
Nigel Nolan - Senior Consultant, Sandbox Advisors

Nigel has vast experience in Training & Development, Facilitation, Lecturing, General Management and Operations. In addition to an educational background in philosophy, psychology, theology and communications, he has advanced qualifications in business, adult education and coaching.