Benefits of standing for just 2 hours in a day

By now you’ve likely heard that sitting all day is absolutely horrible for your health.

Because of this, many more people are finding ways to stand more during the day, especially at work.

However, for most people doing this all day is simply undoable. Thankfully, there is good news for everyone in this situation.

standing at work benefits health

Studies are now showing that finding a mere two hours to stand while you work is enough to significantly approve your blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Additionally, it can help you keep off the pounds as well.

With increased energy levels, better overall health, and a better looking body, you absolutely owe it to yourself to try out this beneficial practice.

Speaking on the issue, a researcher at the University of Queensland’s School of Public Health, Genevieve Healy said, “These findings provide important preliminary evidence that strategies to increase the amount of time spent standing or walking, rather than sitting, may benefit the heart and metabolism.”

The study Healy was involved in surveyed the health effects of two hours standing time in around 700 patients, who were between the ages of 36 and 80. Additionally, all patients wore an activity monitor to gain accurate results and add additional insight.

Perhaps the most impressive finding this study uncovered was the link discovered between 2 extra hours of standing a day and an 11 percent lower level of fats in the blood. The practice of extra standing time was also linked to a lowered body mass index in some of the patients in the study.

The study also stated that the findings “provide some indication that cardiometabolic benefits, particularly to glucose and lipid metabolism, may be achieved when reducing sitting, although it increases in standing.” Continuing this point, the researchers said, that treadmill-desks could provide a great solution to many working citizens, as they “may be the approach most likely to achieve the greatest adiposity benefits.”

Go ahead and put yourself ahead of the curve and work on standing two extra hours a day!

Written By:
Nigel Nolan - Senior Consultant, Sandbox Advisors

Nigel has vast experience in Training & Development, Facilitation, Lecturing, General Management and Operations. In addition to an educational background in philosophy, psychology, theology and communications, he has advanced qualifications in business, adult education and coaching.

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