10 Reasons to Change Your Job

Oct 22, 2016

As the global workforce becomes more transitory in nature, it is not uncommon for workers to change their jobs every two to three years.

If you can identify closely with two or more reasons in this list, perhaps it’s time to consider if you should change your job:-

  1. Lack of a challenge : In theory we all claim to want an easy life at work but spending every day in a slow- paced environment can induce a sense of boredom and leave you feeling uninspired and unmotivated. The ideal balance is a job that takes you out of your comfort zone around 20% of the time; constant pressure and deadlines will only result in burnout. If you’re suffering from chronic boredom at work, it may be time to consider a move.
  2. You want to learn more : The beginning of a new job is always a learning curve. The most recent research suggests that after three years most professionals have mastered their current role and are eager for a new challenge. Employers who value their staff will have career development policies in place to help you to evolve in your career. Eager workers seeking a new opportunity who cannot find it in their current role/company often move to a new company to ensure their skills remain up-to-date.
  3. A difficult boss (or colleagues) : At some point, every worker encounters the difficult boss - the one that will criticize to extremes and generally irritate you profusely! If that irritation affects your ability to do your job or undermines your sense of well-being it may be time move on. In this case it is essential to identify which of your boss’s personality traits are the most disconcerting. Is it poor communication or a general negative attitude towards your work? If you fail to identify these characteristics before you change your job, you may find yourself in a similar situation with a future manager. The same principles apply with hostile co-workers.
  4. Increased earning opportunities : Is your salary competitive? While it’s not all about money, the promise of a raise and improved career prospects are justifiable reasons for leaving your present role. By changing jobs frequently, professionals can often keep their skills up-to-date and increase their salary significantly in comparison to staying in-situ. If you’ve worked hard to get to where you are today and network within your industry, the chances are you will be noticed by other organizations looking to recruit the best talent. Review their potential and ensure it correlates with your long-term career strategy.
  5. You’re not appreciated by your current employer : If your best ideas are pinched by your employers or colleagues who express no gratitude for your innovation, it could be time to move on. There will be other employers out there who will value your enthusiasm and contribution to the company.
  6. Life change : From time to time professionals change jobs due to a change in their personal circumstances, such as relocation, marriage, health reasons or to spend time with their family. As your career evolves your priorities will change with it. What may have seemed so important at the beginning of your working life, for example working long hours, may not seem so important at a later stage. If your job no longer suits your personal circumstances, it may be time to change your job.
  7. Your job focuses on your weaknesses : Ideally, you should be working in a role that allows you to play to your strengths. If you realize that your job is mainly focused on areas of weakness – excessive admin duties for a sales focused professional for example – discuss this with your employer at the earliest opportunity. Explain how you believe your skills can be of more benefit to the company in a slightly different role. If there isn’t a suitable opening and you feel like a square peg in a round hole, it’s probably time to look elsewhere.
  8. To become an entrepreneur : Many dream of it, but few choose to pursue their goals of working for themselves. With the long-term security in the job market becoming a thing of the past, increasing numbers of workers are opting to take a self-employed role or set up their own businesses.
  9. The company is unstable : When company profits tumble and a two year pay freeze is announced, this is often a time for employees to look around for a more stable employer. Don’t instantly jump ship unless you are left with no alternative; take your time and research available opportunities. Don’t leave one struggling employer for another only to find yourself in a similar situation a year down the line.
  10. Downsizing or restructuring : Or to put it another way – redundancy. Losing a job forces people to review their current career and the alternatives open to them. If personal finances allow, some will often take the opportunity to retrain for an alternative career or become self-employed, particularly older workers who find it harder to secure new employment after losing their jobs.

Wish you all the best in your efforts to change your job!

  About The Author  

In addition to writing, Kate's career encompasses several years in recruitment at the senior level, specifically within the UK and international franchise sector.
  1. Maxy

    I can easily pick out 6 points from this article which shows that its time for me to change my job. Point # 7 is exactly about me!! My job as a drafter involves mainly admin work but I am a people oriented person, sales would be more suitable for me. Thanks for the article. Really meaningful!!!

    1. Amit Puri – Managing Consultant, Sandbox Advisors

      Happy to know that you found the article useful Maxy. Hope you find a suitable career option real soon!


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