Shaping Ideal Careers

The Non-Cheat’s Way to Predict Interview Questions

The Non-Cheat’s Way to Predict Interview Questions

Job interviews can be pretty nerve-wracking experiences, and not surprisingly so when you bear in mind that things like promotions, higher salaries and better developmental opportunities, depend on how well interviewees perform. Another reason why they are so terrifying though, is because candidates typically have no idea what they are going to be asked and…

How Employers & Recruiters Use Your Social Network Profiles, When You Apply For Jobs

How Employers & Recruiters Use Your Social Network Profiles, When You Apply For Jobs

A survey conducted by Reppler (social media monitoring service), provides more evidence on the increasing use/influence of social network profiles, in the recruitment process. Here are some highlights of the study, which was conducted among a sample of 300 individuals, involved in the recruitment process at their company: 91% of the respondents use social networking…

When Is the Right Time to Talk Money?

When Is the Right Time to Talk Money?

Cash might not be the only reason that most of us bother ourselves to go out to work, but of course it is a major consideration. When is the right point in the candidate selection process though, to talk about salary and benefits? Okay, the first thing to say about salary and benefits is that…

No Holds Barred Truth About Online vs. Traditional Education,  From Someone Who’s Been There!

No Holds Barred Truth About Online vs. Traditional Education, From Someone Who’s Been There!

Ten years ago, I would have bet good money that I would never earn a bachelor’s degree. For more years than I can remember, I wanted to go back to school, and oftentimes even said if I were rich and never needed to work, I would be a student for the rest of my life….

Staying Organized in Your Job Search

Staying Organized in Your Job Search

Staying organized during a job search doesn’t exactly sound like a big deal; after all, finding a new position is the most important thing on your mind right now and you’re hardly likely to forget where you’ve sent your resumes, right? Actually, with most job searches nowadays lasting months rather than weeks, unless you happen…

How To Write A Resume That WOOs Recruiters – Describing Your Job Responsibilities & Achievements

How To Write A Resume That WOOs Recruiters - Describing Your Job Responsibilities & Achievements

How To Write A Resume That WOOs Recruiters…Article # 5 Describing what you did in your previous roles is without doubt, a very important part of writing a resume. Recruiters and hiring managers will read this information carefully, to see if you have what they are looking for.

8 Tips For Working Well With Recruiters & Employment Agencies

8 Tips For Working Well With Recruiters & Employment Agencies

Firms that hire recruitment agencies do so because they don’t’ want to expend the time necessary to identify and screen viable candidates. For these firms the opportunity cost in terms of lost productivity when sourcing candidates more than outweighs the real costs associated in paying the fees of recruiters. As a job seeker, there are…

How Personality Type Affects Your Career & Job Search

How Personality Type Affects Your Career & Job Search

It’s always fascinating to learn more about ourselves and gain a deeper understanding of why we behave in particular ways, like specific things and dislike others. It is also interesting to know more about other people’s behaviour. One tool which can provide such insights is a Personality Test. The concept of Personality Type was first…

Training Needs Analysis – a 5 Step Process

Training Needs Analysis (frequently abbreviated to TNA) is an essential though often a daunting part of trainers and training managers’ jobs. As a full training plan for an organisation or a department happens, at best, once a year, a Training Needs Analysis is an activity that is only infrequently required. This infrequency, combined with the…

The MOST Practical Guide to Job Search Networking

Job search networking is one of the best ways to look for a job and also one which is often overlooked. During their job search people typically contact a few recruiters and also search for openings on job sites. There is nothing wrong with this and recruiters/job sites should be part of your efforts to…

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