Shaping Ideal Careers

Most Preferred Employers For Graduate/Entry-Level Jobs In Singapore

Apple, Google & 3M were voted as the top 3 employers to work for in Singapore, as per the JobsCentral Employers of Choice Survey (University Edition). The survey compares the perceptions that entry-level graduates have of employers, from the private and public sector in Singapore. Entry-level graduates are defined as all current undergraduates from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS) and Singapore Management University (SMU), as well as their alumni who have graduated within the last 3 years.

Top 20 Private Employers of Choice in Singapore

Top 20 Government / Government-Linked Employers of Choice in Singapore

Written By: Amit Puri - Managing Consultant, Sandbox Advisors

Amit is an experienced career, business and HR professional. Previously, he has worked with organisations such as Bain & Company, Morgan Stanley and Citigroup. Amit has advanced degrees/qualifications in Career Counselling, Organisational Psychology & HR, Occupational Psychometrics, Career/Life Coaching & Business.